
Mejores Libros de Bobby Fischer

Hemos recopilado los últimos libros de Bobby Fischer así como sus otras obras más reconocidas que todo el mundo debería de leer. Bobby Fischer goza de un gran talento y tiene la veneración de toda la crítica literaria a su favor, incluso tiene una gran de legión de lectores que devora sus libros una vez que salen publicados.

Lista de Todos los Libros de Bobby Fischer por orden

En este post, te presentamos una lista con todos los libros de Bobby Fischer por orden de publicación, donde incluimos los más famosos y también los menos conocidos de su repertorio literario. Estamos seguros que encontrarás en nuestra recomendación de los mejores libros de Bobby Fischer alguno que sea de tu agrado, incluso muchas de estas obras son de lectura casi obligatoria.

1 Mis 60 mejores partidas: 27 (Club de Ajedrez)

Mis 60 mejores partidas: 27 (Club de Ajedrez)

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| Fecha Publicación: 2009-03-11| Género: Juegos y adivinanzas | Editorial: Editorial Fundamentos | Idioma: Español| Autor: Bobby Fischer| Nº Páginas: 292|

Desde su explosivo comienzo como niño prodigio del ajedrez, Bobby Fischer ha aportado más vitalidad, emoción y controversia que ningún otro jugador de la historia.

En este libro Fischer analiza sus partidas más representativas e importantes, muestra sus razones estratégicas y tácticas, destacando sus ocasionales errores y cómo evitarlos.

Con respecto al juego del adversario, Fischer interpreta las acciones de sus oponentes y revela las anotaciones a realizar en medio de la tensión de los torneos internacionales.

Se trata, por tanto, de un volumen imprescindible para la biblioteca del aficionado y del profesional.

2 My 60 Memorable Games: chess tactics, chess strategies with Bobby Fischer

My 60 Memorable Games: chess tactics, chess strategies with Bobby Fischer

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| Fecha Publicación: 2008-12-08| Género: Artesanía, artes decorativas y manualidades | Editorial: Batsford | Idioma: Inglés| Autor: Bobby Fischer| Nº Páginas: 384|

One of the most important chess books ever written, reissued in celebration of a chess genius, Bobby Fischer.

The American takes the reader through 60 of his games, describing his thoughts, the intricacies behind his and his opponent's strategies, the tactical justification of moves and the psychological battle in each one.

You''ll find beautifully simple positional play next to out-of-this-world combinations that are just breathtaking.

Fischer played nearly all of these games as a grandmaster so they are at the very highest level, but his lucid commentary makes every move and idea both accessible and understandable.

Every player will learn huge amounts from this book.

It is essential for each chess enthusiast, competitor and professional.

The controversial alterations that were made to Bobby Fischer's words in the last edition have been omitted in this book, so only the author's own words are expressed, giving a true insight into one of the most gifted, troubled and controversial minds of the 20th century.

3 Bobby Fischer's Games of Chess

Bobby Fischer's Games of Chess

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| Fecha Publicación: 2008-07-25| Género: Biografías y autobiografías | Editorial: Ishi Press | Idioma: Inglés| Autor: Bobby Fischer| Nº Páginas: 132|

This is the only book ever written entirely by Bobby Fischer.

It is not to be confused with other books with similar names that were written by other authors.

Here is the blurb on the original dust jacket, as published in 1959: THERE ARE 34 games in this book.

The 13 from the U.S.

Championship Tournament of 1957-58 and the prize-winning "Game of the Century" from the Third Rosenwald Trophy Tournament are penetratingly analyzed by Bobby Fischer, whose annotations provide invaluable instructions to the chess player of either average or advanced ability.

In addition, this book includes the scores of Bobby Fischer's 20 games from the 1958 Portoroz Interzonal Tournament in which he played against the world's elite in chess, among them Tal, Gligorich, Petrosyan, and Bronstein.

The games in this book reveal Bobby Fischer's brilliance in middle and end-game strategy, and also the latest and soundest treatments of popular openings-in particular, the Sicilian and King's Indian defenses.

By playing these games over, the reader will become familiar with the patterns of the latest and soundest lines in chess, and will automatically begin to make stronger moves in his own games.

At the age of fifteen, Bobby Fischer was the youngest international grandmaster of all time.

He lives in Brooklyn, was a junior at Erasmus Hall High School, and looking forward to the 1959 Candidates' Tournament, the winner of which challenges Mikhail Botvinnik for the world championship.

About the Author At the age of fifteen, Bobby Fischer was the youngest international grandmaster of chess of all time.

He lived in Brooklyn, was a junior at Erasmus Hall High School, and was looking forward to the 1959 Candidates' Tournament, the winner of which challenged Mikhail Botvinnik for the world championship.

4 Bobby Fischer insegna gli scacchi (Giochi)

Bobby Fischer insegna gli scacchi (Giochi)

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| Fecha Publicación: 1986-09-01| Género: Juegos y adivinanzas | Editorial: Hoepli | Idioma: Italiano| Autor: Bobby Fischer| Nº Páginas: 350|

5 Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess

Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess

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| Fecha Publicación: 1982-07-01| Género: Consulta | Editorial: Bantam | Idioma: Inglés| Autor: Bobby Fischer| Nº Páginas: 352|

A one-of-a-kind masterclass in chess from the greatest player of all time.

Learn how to play chess the Bobby Fischer way with the fastest, most efficient, most enjoyable method ever devised.

Whether you’re just learning the game or looking for more complex strategies, these practice problems and exercises will help you master the art of the checkmate.  This book teaches through a programmed learning method: It asks you a question.

If you give the right answer, it goes on to the next question.

If you give the wrong answer, it explains why the answer is wrong and asks you to go back and try again.

Thanks to the book’s unique formatting, you will work through the exercises on the right-hand side, with the correct answer hidden on the next page.

The left-hand pages are intentionally printed upside-down; after reaching the last page, simply turn the book upside-down and work your way back.

  When you finish, not only will you be a much better chess player, you may even be able to beat Bobby Fischer at his own game!

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